Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Prayers and Participants for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist and Choir Director: Michelle Fraser

Lay Minister:  Tom Sansone

Lector:  Rosalie Molnar

Altar Guild:  Pat Limauro

Video: Jessica Skolozdra

Counters:  Gail Peabody and Sandy Hook

Ecclesia canem:  Brother Jesse CGC

Prime Sexton: Ruth Beardsley

Terce Sexton: Michelle Fraser


The altar flowers are given by Pat Limauro in honor of her parents



Jayne Johnson, Madeline Slicer, Gerry Shaw,

Doris Beswick, Sandy, Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, Steve, Ryan,

Linda White, Babs Ross, Yvonne Johnson

Philip, Patricia, Meg Williams, Christopher, Loretta Smith

Paul, Frankie Sylvester, Tom McKiernan, Pat Ryan, Rosalie Molnar


We give thanks for the newest Christian, Kelsey Sophia Dann

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