Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Prayers and Participants for the Fifth Sunday after The Epiphany

Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist and Choir Director: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister: Ruth Beardsley

Lector: Jessica Skolozdra

Altar Guild: Shirley Skolozdra

Video Minister: Bob Skolozdra

Prime Sexton: Ruth Beardsley

Terce Sexton: Michelle Fraser

Counters: Carol Paugas and Babs Ross


Jayne Johnson, Al Sciarretti,

Madeline Slicer, Mary Karoll, Gerry Shaw,

Doris Beswick, Sandy,

Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano,

Gail, Steve, Ryan,

Linda White,

Rich Huxley, Babs Ross,

Philip, Patricia

The altar flowers are given by Al and Colleen Sciaretti in loving memory of Charles and Chuck Corcoran

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