Monday, February 28, 2022

Services for Ash Wednesday

7am to 8am - Quick ashes in the church

7pm - The Imposition of the Ashes w/Holy Communion

A Prayer for Ukraine

From the Archbishops of Canterbury and York:

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Participants and Prayers for the Last Sunday after The Epiphany [Morning Prayer and Healing Service]

Lay Preacher:  Tom  Sansone
Lay Minister:  Babs Ross
Altar Guild:  Pat Limauro
Video Minister:  Steve Johnson
Lector:  Michael Prinz
Counters:  Pam Prinz and Rosalie Molnar

Flowers are given by Marie Almeida in memory of her mother, Dorothy Weyant, on the occasion of her birthday.

Jayne Johnson, Madeline Slicer, Mary and Edward Karoll, 
Gerry Shaw, Doris Beswick, Sandy, 
Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, 
Gail, Steve, Ryan, 
Linda White, 
Rich Huxley, Babs Ross, 
Philip, Patricia,
Fred Jenks, Will Emmet

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Participants and Prayers for the Seventh Sunday after The Epiphany


Celebrant and Preacher: 
The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements
Organist and Choir Director: Mr. John Williams
Lay Minister: Rosalie Molnar
Lector: Britt Reid
Altar Guild: Rosalie Molnar
Video Minister: Pam Dann
Apparitorum: Ruth Beardsley and Michelle Fraser
Counters: Margaret Moreau and Steve Burt

Jayne Johnson, Madeline Slicer, Mary Karoll, 
Gerry Shaw, Doris Beswick, Sandy, 
Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, 
Gail, Steve, Ryan, 
Linda White, 
Rich Huxley, Babs Ross, 
Philip, Patricia,
Fred Jenks, Will Emmet

Reminder: This week is our farewell to John Williams, which includes a luncheon after the liturgy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Participants and Prayers for the Sixth Sunday after The Epiphany


Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist and Choir Director: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister: Tom Sansone

Lector: Jenni Matheson

Altar Guild: Jayne Johnson

Video Minister: Jessica Skolozdra

Prime Sexton: Ruth Beardsley

Terce Sexton: Michelle Fraser

Counters: Gail Peabody and Lisa Caivano



Jayne Johnson, Madeline Slicer, Mary and Edward Karoll, Gerry Shaw,

Doris Beswick, Sandy,

Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano,

Gail, Steve, Ryan,

Linda White,

Rich Huxley, Babs Ross,

Philip, Patricia, Paul, Fred Jenks, Will Emmet

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Prayers and Participants for the Fifth Sunday after The Epiphany

Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist and Choir Director: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister: Ruth Beardsley

Lector: Jessica Skolozdra

Altar Guild: Shirley Skolozdra

Video Minister: Bob Skolozdra

Prime Sexton: Ruth Beardsley

Terce Sexton: Michelle Fraser

Counters: Carol Paugas and Babs Ross


Jayne Johnson, Al Sciarretti,

Madeline Slicer, Mary Karoll, Gerry Shaw,

Doris Beswick, Sandy,

Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano,

Gail, Steve, Ryan,

Linda White,

Rich Huxley, Babs Ross,

Philip, Patricia

The altar flowers are given by Al and Colleen Sciaretti in loving memory of Charles and Chuck Corcoran

Annual Meeting this Sunday


Physical copies of the 2022 parish budget will be available in the parish office beginning this Saturday for those who wish to review the line items in anticipation of Sunday's annual meeting.