Thursday, August 12, 2021

Participants and Prayers for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister: Rosalie Molnar

Lector: Les Molnar

Altar Guild: Pat Ryan

Video Minister: Bob Skolozdra

Counters: Lisa Caivano and Rosalie Molnar


The altar flowers are given by by Will and Anne Emmett in memory of John and Nancy Hoskins (Anne's parents) and Richard Emmett (Will's father)


Prayer List:

Jayne Johnson, Michael Luther, Al Sciarretti, Les Molnar, Madeline Slicer, Mary & Ed Karoll, Gerry Shaw,

Doris Beswick, Sandy, Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, Gail, Steve, Ryan, Linda Smith, Diane Prall

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