Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thanksgivings, Prayers, and Petitions for the Fifth Sunday of Easter


The Easter flowers are given in loving memory of Sylvia Mayer and “Little Charlie”


Prayer List:

Jayne Johnson, Michael Luther, Al Sciarretti, Les Molnar, Madeline Slicer, Mary & Ed Karoll, Gerry Shaw, Doris Beswick, Sandy, Pearl Brown, Cate Horton, Regina Milano, Lisa Caivano, Gail, Steve, Ryan, Pat Pfeiffer

In Thanksgiving:

The anniversary of David and Ginger Vecchio

Birthdays in May:

4th Pam Prinz  5th Matt Baker  11th Mary Karoll  20th Caitlin Skolozdra

24th Les Molnar  24th Cate Horton  27th Regina Milano  28th Bill Brown

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