Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Ash Wednesday, 12:10pm and 7pm

Dear Sisters-and-Brothers in Christ,

I really did not expect that The Great Quarantine would extend to Ash Wednesday of 2021, but here we are.  So, I am going to offer a couple of choices for those who wish to receive the Imposition of Ashes a week from today.

In consultation with one of my former seminary instructors, a specialist in the history of liturgy, we will impose ashes on the day in question using the manner that was customary in the early church, before it became the practice to make the sign of the cross in ashes on one’s forehead.

Early Christians would disseminate, or “sprinkle”, the ashes above the heads of the contrite pilgrims, invoking the rite with the same words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you will return.”  Again, this was the common practice once upon a time and is judged by contemporary experts to be within the boundaries of safety.

There may be some bold traditionalists who will want to receive in the customary manner however, and I am willing to offer that choice, too, and impose with the sign of the cross on one’s forehead.  This will be a longer process as I will have to change gloves between each imposition.  I will leave it to the individual worshiper to decide.

We will join in the church on Ash Wednesday, February 17th at 12:10pm and 7pm.  The liturgy will be live streamed on our YouTube channel at 7pm and a recorded devotional will be posted on the parish weblog earlier that day.

Thank you for keeping Christ Church in your weekly practice, whether in person, online, or through our videos.  As odd and different as the past year has been, we have kept the faith amid daunting circumstances and have shown that of which true people of God are capable.

Yours in Christ, 

Fr. Rob Clements +


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