Friday, November 20, 2020

Prayers, Petitions, and Thanksgivings for This Week at Christ Church


Craig Keith, Linda White, Michael and Gene Luther, Tricia Paugus, Glenn Dougan, Frank Roberts, Al Sciarretti, Frank Pfeiffer, Tom Troeger, Les Molnar, Curtis, Madeline Slicer, Mary & Ed Karoll,

Elwyn Quirk, Ron Colandrea, Gerry Shaw, Maryjo, Ryan S., Stephanie Spanos, George, Lia Kennedy,

Doris Beswick, Stefan and Connie Fedeyko, Cheryl Heart, Ian Johnson, Annabelle Shaw, Louise Sciarretti, Sandy, Al Mayer, Fred Jenks, Pearl Brown

The altar flowers are given by Loretta Smith in loving memory of her parents, William and Dagmar Kane

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:

Christ Church, Ansonia; St. Paul’s, Bantam; Christ Church, Bethany

   Postulants and candidates for Holy Orders; The members and ministry of the Commission on Ministry

Birthdays: Al Prinz, Art Slicer

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