Friday, September 18, 2020

A Visit from our Bishop, A Successful Tag Sale and New Ministry!!

Last Sunday, September 13, Christ Church members worshiped together on our great lawn and welcomed a thought provoking sermon by Bishop Laura J Ahrens.  Check out our YouTube channel if you missed the live stream.  As always, many thanks to our volunteer sound engineers and movers of equipment- including our Senior Warden Bob Skolozdra and Minister of Music John Williams. 

It's hard to believe but the picture above was occupied by tables full of items and socially distanced, masked tag sale workers just 12 hours before. Many thanks to all the folks that donated items, helped sort, set up, work and clean up.  This was a real community endeavor, and like all things we join together in doing-it was a great success!  Final sales are still coming in, but it looks like we earned in the excess of $2000.00.


Would you consider assisting with the live stream portion of our service each Sunday?  Many hands make light work and training is provided.  If you can read directions and use a computer mouse, you have all the qualities needed to stream our service to those who are unable to worship with us in person. We are looking for enough folks to volunteer their time so that each Broadcast Minister would be on deck every other month or so. Talk to Bob Skolozdra to find out how you can learn a few new things and help out.

Join us for worship this Sunday- either in church on the front lawn, or live stream via our YouTube channel.  We can also accommodate worshipers in our parish house in case of inclement weather- come find community with us, you are most welcome!

Scripture for this Week 
 Click link below for
Matthew 20:1-16

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