Thursday, September 16, 2021

Prayers and Participants for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost



Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist and Choir Director: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister:  Rosalie Molnar

Lector:  Michael Prinz

Altar Guild:  Rosalie Molnar

Video Minister:  Pam Dann

Counters:  Les Molnar and Babs Ross


The altar flowers are given by Carol Paugus in memory of Jack Paugus on the occasion of his birthday


Prayer List:

Jayne Johnson, Michael Luther, Al Sciarretti, Les Molnar, Madeline Slicer, Mary & Ed Karoll, Gerry Shaw, Doris Beswick, Sandy, Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, Gail, Steve, Ryan, Linda White, Diane Prall,      Eric Emanuelson, Rich Huxley, Al Prinz

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Gospel and Sermon for The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Prayers and Participants for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost


Caesarea Philippi

Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Organist and Choir Director: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister:  Kathie McKiernan

Lector:  Rosalie Molnar

Altar Guild:  Deb Melycher

Video Minister:  Jessica Skolozdra

Counters:  Lisa Caivano and Les Molnar


The altar flowers are given by Jenni Matheson in honor of the anniversary of

Rob Clements’ ordination to the priesthood


Prayer List:

Jayne Johnson, Michael Luther, Al Sciarretti, Les Molnar, Madeline Slicer, Mary & Ed Karoll, Gerry Shaw,

Doris Beswick, Sandy, Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, Gail, Steve, Ryan, Linda Smith, Linda Simmons, Linda White, Diane Prall, Eric Emanuelson, Rich Huxley, Al Prinz

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Prayers, Petitions, Thanksgivings for the Fifthteenth Sunday after Pentecost


Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Robert P. Clements

Keyboardist: Mr. John Williams

Lay Minister: Deb Melycher

Lector: Jenni Matheson

Altar Guild: Jenni Matheson

Video Minister: Babs Ross

Counters: Margaret Moreau and Babs Ross

The altar flowers are given by  Pat Limauro in memory of her parents, Stewart and Mary Petrie, and by Greg Banks  in honor of all veterans.

Prayer List:

Jayne Johnson, Michael Luther, Al Sciarretti, Les Molnar, Madeline Slicer, Mary & Ed Karoll, Gerry Shaw,Doris Beswick, Sandy, Cate Horton, Lisa Caivano, Gail, Steve, Ryan, Linda Smith, Linda Simmons, Linda White, Diane Prall, Eric Emanuelson, Rich Huxley, Al Prinz